Just imagine a morning when open ur windows, the sunrising, u watch the people passing by in the street and every one had a warm smile on there face, sounds cheerful ....Great way to begin the day... so beautiful ( even the thought)...
Is it so easy to Smile?
Well, i dnt think so... The toughest when you everything is going wrong in front of you. When you want to break in to tears and yet you have to smile ..or put up with tat smile....
Ever seen that smile has lot of pain, a lot of feeling ..which need not be ever explained.....and the eyes says it all.
Smile has it charm ....can make someone feel better, can also get someone head over heels for tat smile.I guess a fake smile and a smile from heart can be clearly distinguished. Plastic smile, would never have the warmth and the real smile ..really for a sec may make you forget everything.
It is always said a smile on a face need less of muscles working rather than a sadness on the face,And also a healthy excercise.(Have heard also it also a secret to keep a face young ...smile....how true is tat God knows. But nice reason to get people smiling.... :-) )
Ever notice though at time it really ache laughing and smiling but still, that smile remain ..we dnt grumble abt it ...tat moment is full of fun .....
It is for free,it does not cost anything.It there with everyone ...high or low...small or big...
Ever seen a small kid giggle, the sweet smile on the kids face with twinkling eyes....quite true,pure straight from heart.
Warm smile say its all , a greeting, well wishers,i care.......you can interpret it anything positive....as long its a smile from heart...