Saturday, September 08, 2007

Sweet Memories.....

The gentle breeze....pleasant climate...

......a cup of tea...the sound of leaves as they play with the wind.......

Reminding ..of the life and memories of like....(Did i sound like old one... :-))
Memories can be of past ..(flashing back in my mind) of the present moments....

Many memories may be sweet bit with a pinch of pain mixed in them .....sweet yet when u see them flash they give u a pinch...and at times you wish u were in those times rather than come back to present....

Life is seriously strange, or is it faith ....I really donot know,What to say ....I guess i was one of those people who never believed in faith destiny much ....I always believed that one makes them .....but ....

There came a time , when i had to put down my weapons and salute that force..guess i myself now say ....there is something known as faith and destiny..or some supernatural force was hardly for me to believe it...but there is some force (may be tat wat people call as Destiny /Faith/God),name it anything...

I have seen things ..change at last moment ...what ever it may be ..say it work , say it personal life ...say it any thing..u think things will happen ..actullay u see them happening right and at nick of sec they go against or upset...Wierd ...but it happens ...I guess it happen to all .....once it can happen ,twice it can happen ....but not always ....or most of time...funny ..that when the thought came to my mind....destiny or faith or supernatural power has something else in mind...(ehmm they have mind...I really dont know ...never seen though)....

Hey...i started with memories I landed with faith ,.....may be supernatural powers wanted me to....hey no laughing over this if u laughed over it (giggle.. what ever!!!)...glad to put a smile on ur face ,that way.....

Sometimes,a though cross ...that I seem to know a lot ;yet i know too little ...almost equal to speck of dust.

I used to always say ....may be make everyone happy ..there is one rule one must be unhappy....i used to say from long time ..if that case ..then why not me be unhappy i too gain at this..seeing others smile ...a smile may run across my face and mind too ...(ehmmm someone getting reminded of 'smile')....

Seems like my blogs are getting interlinked ..inter-dependent...what ever one may call it....hmmm .

The life cycle is where it end,there is new my blogs to follow same ....interdependent...

When I look by seeing memories built up my present too joins the past the little files in the brain.....

Memories are something that bring a smile ,with drop of tears....and makes u feel fresh much has gone by and still u feel ... now what next ..waiting for the new begining...

Saturday, September 01, 2007


king across a busy street....
.....all a sudden i stop .....realising ....there is something wrong....
...where is every one racing to ....
......Every morning...get up ..hurry to work , tensions, Boss putting time frames, if your PL then working out ways to get things done on time , exhausted by evening come home eat something and sleep off.

............... Next day the same story begins all over again .....

Some sort of recorder life has become......

Many a times, I have seen people been like this ...kind of u see a virtual steel chain tired around them , which they are trying to break through.

May be i know what it feels like .....because may be somewhere i too a part of it....

Does it calls for a change ..may be definitely ...tat why it always to take a break and associate oneself to nature....

True, Everyone has their own ways for it ..some go on vacation some may pursue hobby, anything it can be ....Well !!! would be my way ...

I guess my family members would know it...!!! Any guess....!!!

In the evening strolling by the beach side , with the wave gently touching or rather washing my foot and the gentle breeze with sprinkle of sea water ...with the star shining and lighting the night sky ...and far u see the light of the boats retuning home ...

The beach, I always miss is the Shanghumugham beach in Trivandrum. Nothing great about ...more of feeling attached toward it.

So that my way...each has their own ways ....
With time ..(this i was told by a friend of mine) a person should change....

But i am here not to change ...but to adapt, adopt the quality which i lack and better myself ..but never change to incorporate the world and its ways.....

I hope,I am right, well i guess when your heart say or agrees to what you do and your head kind of agree ( though it never completely agree) then listen to it, and follow it long u know you are not doing wrong and you believe in yourself.