Wondering wat this 3 tier theroy is all about....!!! Any guesses....
Well it about human behaviour and attitude.....well, no..no I am no MBA student..to lecture on this ...but its wat i follow and may be many follow but donot realise....i did not think of putting it in black and white till i talked to a friend of mine.....
What is 3 tier theory ...well the name is as put by me ...a trait which i constantly follow ...may be tat why i might be called stubborn/fussy as many may say....
About me first as this trait is strongly noted in me....I am person who loves to learn from life, time and people around me.It is quite important ,it help you be a better person and helps u face tomorrow better.
Am i sounding like a management student ....Hope so not .....
I am person who believe that any work done should be near to perfection and such that no questions can be raised on it.(Kaam karo tho aisa ki sab yaad karay!!!)...well i guess u should be know for quality of ur work.(well many might not like it but..tat way i am )
Now wat is 3 tier theory.....well it how u react to situations....many ppl may go bonkus over a situation,many may handle with patience,many may rather not bother ....Human traits r many and u cannot define them ..but i tried defining one tat is my own one.....
Okay imagine a situation "suppose there is problem in team,i know other team is wrong, i give 3 changes for them to admit it ".... ( this 3 is responsible for the 3 in 3 tier theory.....3 seem to be my favo number)
Why 3 chances ???
They always say ...give a chance for a mistake .....when so tat make total 2 na ( one time mistake >1 time learning time from mistake)but i give 3 times,so hence now u know from where 3 tier theory got it name ...(aray ... okay computer say borrow kiya tier theory)...
okay this way i put it
1. mistakes can be made once
2. 2nd time is chance
3. 3rd is warning ...after tat u know wat i can do, 3rd is my last and drastic step i take...
so tat why i say 3 tier theory ..dont know how many follow it and did any one not it ever...
for me it works ..thats why it makes me the way i am .....like it or dnt like it ....but i just love this theory.This attitude i carry ...
People with good attitude do survive..but just tat things goes a bit tougher if u believe urself then u should go ahead ...couz atleast u have satifaction of ur quality which shines when u ppl see or know u ...
Never do anything with 1/2 heart u never suceeed,as output would not be upto ur cabilities..if u think...tat u learn to develope to like it later....be careful ...couz when things go wrong this though is definite to hit u ...." i never liked it much " & may take it for granted...and not seriously work ..
But if u were not sure of wat you have to do then its okay ...u can pick up tat attitude ....but u know what u want to do ..never take risk for ur success..( tat what i think !! dnt know if u agree ...forget not i write what i feel , what i think is right )
Ehmm.... so i tried not to sound like management student/lecturer....but cannot help it if i did ..hehe ...human trait study is intresting ......
In future post u would know more ....as i decided to write down every thing i learn from human & their traits ............
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