Thursday, May 31, 2007

Expect & u Regret

My eyes caught this ..meaning of a status message of a friend ....quite intresting ...
...automatically my finger itched to write on it ....couz it is Quite true ...a known fact...
Where ever u expect u regret say it anything to everything....
I admit i have face it .....say it work,home, relations... the moment u start to expect ...we feel uneasy u feel tat things r not the way u want them or "expected them to be"...i mean u dnt tend to enjoy every moment ..u land up times ....
i mean the fun, the spirit vanish off all a second....
but when u take things as they come ....its like u getting the best u can...
i am not saying one should not aim for the best but wat i am saying is tat ..instead of grumbling for things around ... why not appreciate ....coz some may not be even as luck as u ....

Quite apt to end ..where there is expecation there is regret..and where there is regret there is no peace of mind and where there is no peace of mind is worst than the haunting ghost....heher....funny but true ....

1 comment :

  1. whn u dn have expectations u usually get what u never expected.
