Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Sunny day.....the hot burning sun....seem like the sun is really thirsty....god a though to go out ,itself make the mind uneasy.....
Nature has its own ways to tell us how to enjoy it......
Suddenly.....the sky turn dark the wind seems to have a mind of its own ......sweeping away the dust and anything it can on its way.....all anyone may wonder...why? such a change......why is the nautre acting more like a monster.....
but then u feel the gentle drops ..from heaven , acting as a blam to the confusions created a little while ago...
The sweet fragnace of the earth shows how thirsty the earth was....and he brezee being more gentle tempting u to walk out of the shade u were protect urself......
Rains!!!! the first rains ...are always a sweet ones.......but then when they rain too much ....wishes r back for the warmth of the sweet sun.

1 comment :

  1. the last line is especially true ....

    we are all but selfish and stupid, so much wanting for something other than what we have !!!

